New Media

                With the advancements of technology in new media, it's hard to imagine what new major break in new media will come out. That said, with the little of imagination I have, I still believe that immersion is the next step in media growth. For example, augmented reality has been pairing up with virtual reality to create things that were once impossible - I believe a new media platform will be mass collaborative softwares - such as fully virtual enterprises previously experimented with by companies such as Google's Hangouts, Slack and various other attempts to virtualize enterprise. I believe that as people become more familiar with the software they work with, they will take these softwares to new heights. Personally, I believe there is a lot of untapped potential in Intranet software. Companies are very slow to adopt cutting edge technologies because of previous infrastructure. Something that my company has been experimenting with a new work / social interface where employers can have all their various intranet softwares connected into one, to almost create a "virtual desk", that people can work form. I personally think a collaborative platform will become its own form of new media


  1. I actually had a very similar idea as the next new media. So a question that I asked myself was that when all these social platforms are combined in one "virtual desk" as you call it, will they still be relevant? For example, if I post on facebook through the "virtual desk", would I still be posting on facebook or the desk. At that point, why would I even choose between facebook or Instagram or snapchat etc? This New "virtual desk" will become its own platform in a sense. On another note, how would existing social media apps respond to that and would they ever give up their usage to other apps? It would just mean they are signing off their business for an early finish. There are some larger players in the game which are aiming at housing multiple platforms but they do not turn it into one "virtual desk". such as google owning multiple social medias. Apple is another example. They do not however consolidate them into one. Can't blame them, why do it? that's just closing multiple avenues of income. What are your thoughts?

    1. That's an interesting thought that you bring! It's true that any addition to the virtual world such as the "virtual desk" would create a new community on its own, independent of where the source of information comes from. At risk of posing a philosophical question on when is a entity considered separate or a derivative of an existing platform, I would have to say it would be a new platform as you mentioned. And as you also stated, most platforms are created to make money. What incentive do companies have in unifying this information into one platform? My only argument for would be efficiency, that would allow users to take their information to new heights. This new efficiency and creativity would foster more revenues, I would imagine. Otherwise, it's true that this idea would pose a threat to existing income streamlines.


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